Wednesday, September 23, 2009

planning+euros=gym shoes

we've all started planning trips! it's so exciting. everyone is trying to figure out how to spend the least amount of money, have enough time for school, and still travel as much as possible. well, at least, that's what i'm doing. the trip i'm most excited about right now is dublin, ireland! two of us already bought the tickets, sort of on an impulse, and are now recruiting others! we're probably going to go on this tour of the countryside around dublin (with castles and everything!) for 3 hours and then spend the rest of the time in the city.

all this planning makes me quite tired. the switch between french and english also leaves me a bit fatigued. i'm usually tired by 10:00! i'm sure i wont be sleeping so much when i travel, though, because i'll only be there for weekends, so i figure i'll just save up now =)

in france, everyone always looks, i love dressing up, but some days i just want to wear gym shoes and a t-shirt. i will definitely stick out if i dress like that, though. however, i carry around a bottle of water, and that definitely makes me stick out! their glasses here and doesn't seem like they intake much liquid. all the students in my program carry around bottles of water. the first couple of days without we were all a bit dehydrated. haha.

well, i am off to class soon, i only have one today!


  1. I love the post/update! The Dublin trip sounds great and you'll discover the Irish don't speak English! I' wondering what a meal is like (all those cooking shows leave me curious about whether the French dress up their food like they dress up). Have fun planning the trips!

  2. We are enjoying following your adventure, Bess...isn't technology wonderful? Kiss the Blarney Stone for me when you get to Ireland!
